Wednesday, November 15, 2006

another rant/things that I needed to get out...

I wonder if any of my roommates would notice if I am not here. None of them include me in anything that they do. Amy and Michele had a “double date” tonight. I know that I have bible study, but they did not even say good-bye to me. They said it to Laura, but not me. I have been feeling down a lot lately. I don’t know if it is because it is that time of the year, or if I am just lonely and I want to be included. I might have depression, with what I am feeling, but I mean how hard is it to go “Hey Becca, want to come with us?” or “Hey Becca, can we talk.” I am the one that is always starting the chats. Why is that? I wish that I had someone here to talk to and spend time with. I wish that things would go back to normal where Michele and Amy did not exclude me in everything that they do. They don’t even seem to care that I am around. Would they even notice that I am not here? Amy might because we share a bedroom, but who knows. I guess that I feel really left out of a lot of things. I don’t know what to do or how to talk to them about it. It is hard for me to be confrontational to anyone. But I might have to be in order to get a point in or something. I feel like I am the only one that cleans the drain in the sink, to buy sugar, and flour, and wait I have not used any of it, but I bought it. I also bought the dish soap, which yes we needed, but still no one said thank you. I want a hug. And now I am crying. I hate this week. I have cried every single night this week.


At 3:42 AM, Blogger Susan K. said...

*big hug*

I don't know what I would do either, I am non-confrontational like you. You could do something non-face-to-face and write them a note or something asking them why they avoid you. Or maybe you should just take a break from the situation for a while: go home for a weekend or visit Mary for a day. I don't know how easy that would be for you to do, because I know you are pretty busy with school and work.

I want to spend time with you and chat.

Love, Su

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Trying to deal with roommates can be really tough. :( Sometimes you just have to pick your battles, and decide if its better to look into living somewhere else. And its not unusual to find that staying friends with people after you live with them can ruin the friendship.
Wish I had some good advice on how to deal with things- but I've never been good at that either.
Too bad you don't live in Minneapolis. I'd come hang out with you every night. Love ya Becks. Hang in there.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Susan K. said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bex!
I am thankful for you. =) See you sooooon...

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Cookie Queen said...

Hang in there Becca! You get to come home soon for Christmas and spend time with people that love you so much!! We should try and get together over break with Susan and hang out! I know it can be tough living with other people and I definitely can relate to feeling left out some times. But always remember that there are so many people, including me, that love you so much! *a great big bear hug :)* Love, Abby


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