Tuesday, November 16, 2004


So I think my roommate hates me. She is so not nice to me sometimes.. But she did apologize about Friday. but only After I first told her I was sorry about the way I went about it, but I was only trying to go about it in a way that would not hurt her. Oh well. I do wish I was back in Rochester right now. I wish that all my friends where there also. I miss you all so much. I have felt so down latly. I don't know why but I think it has to do with the roommate thing. I just want to scream about it. It seems like no one likes me here besides my C.A. I hate feelling like this though. Maybe I should just go back to Rochester and do some General education classes. I want it to be like last year when I had so much fun just being who I was and not having to worry about putting up a front to make sure that I don't offend someone with something that I say. I mean even the one girl across the hall that I got along with seems to be distancing herself from me so much lately. I just hate it. Maybe I just need to lighten up and not take things so serious but how do I do that when I have to worry about school and classes? AHHHH!
I want to be back home in Rochester trying to help out around the house because my mom fell on Sunday morning and dislocated her middle left finger. I just wish I could help out more at home.

sign blah scream

ahh can I just scream... I will update about why later when my puter is working again...