Math Rant!
I HATE MY MATH TEACHER!!! HE IS SO DISRESPECTFUL TO US AS A CLASS.. We took a test last week, and he was not even there for us to ask questions to. And then When we got the test back, everyone did horribly on it. He did not grade one of my problems, and when I brought it to his attention, he wrote me an e-mail saying that nothing that I did warrented a change in grade. I DID NOT UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION! YOU WERE NOT THERE TO ASK QUESTIONS TO! HOW WAS I SUPPOSE TO DO BETTER ON IT WHEN I COULD NOT ASK QUESTIONS TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION BETTER... and to top that off he said that we all suck at math, and if we don't know 1st year algebra, then how are we going to be math teachers. HE IS SUCH A BAD TEACHER. There were some people from our class going to talk to the Math Deptartment head today to try and get some of this changed,
ok. Rant done. Much better.